Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I won, I won!!

You know how people always say they never win? Well, I can't say that, I win sometimes, but usually it's like that casino commercial on TV where they win a pork chop - I win a size XXL sweatshirt with some fugly logo on it, or I win 4 passes to the local Moster truck rally or some other thing I can't imagine wanting/using. This time I won something I ACTUALLY WANT! More importantly my kids really, really (as in they've been begging for it incessantly for the past many months) want it. I won a Wii!! Now, a few months ago, when I would have told you we're never getting a Wii, I wouldn't have been all that excited, but since I had now made a commitment to the kids that they could get one if they earned it - it's really sweet to save that couple hundred bucks! Of course, since what they had to do to earn it was not touch each other for 20 days (not in a row - just 20 random days), chances are they wouldn't have earned it until the Wii XVI came out. They have made it 6 days - since the end of May. Clearly, they like to bug each other more than they want a Wii. So now, I have to decide what to do with it. Part of me wants to stick it in the closet until they reach 20 days. The other, much meaner part, wants to set it up, play it, invite friends over to play it and make them just sit and watch until they have earned the right to play it themselves. Maybe it will give them the extra incentive they need to get those additional 14 days.

1 comment:

Jenny Nymoen said...

I would say, "Gee kids, it doesn't look like you really want the Wii after all. I think I'll sell it on eBay."

Nah, I'd probably play it in front of them.

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