Saturday we had one game for sure, and if we won that game, we would get a bye into the semi-finals. Our game wasn't until noon so we got to sleep in and eat a leisurely breakfast at the hotel. We played the Esso Tigers in game 3, and beat them 7-0. It was the best team we had played and our goalie finally was put to work - so she was named MVP. That meant we had the whole afternoon and evening to play. Many of the girls, some of their Moms and a couple of Dads went to the Mall. It was a pretty big centre with a lot of stores we didn't recognize and a few we did. The food court was interesting with a lot of options we weren't used to. HG and I ate Asian noodles - yum! Girls enjoyed an accessory store called Adrene's and Claires. We went back and it was time for more pool action. We had an early game on Sunday and apparently grown-ups had been up too late the night before because everyone was pretty much in for the night around 10 p.m..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Took First in Canada, Eh?
Saturday we had one game for sure, and if we won that game, we would get a bye into the semi-finals. Our game wasn't until noon so we got to sleep in and eat a leisurely breakfast at the hotel. We played the Esso Tigers in game 3, and beat them 7-0. It was the best team we had played and our goalie finally was put to work - so she was named MVP. That meant we had the whole afternoon and evening to play. Many of the girls, some of their Moms and a couple of Dads went to the Mall. It was a pretty big centre with a lot of stores we didn't recognize and a few we did. The food court was interesting with a lot of options we weren't used to. HG and I ate Asian noodles - yum! Girls enjoyed an accessory store called Adrene's and Claires. We went back and it was time for more pool action. We had an early game on Sunday and apparently grown-ups had been up too late the night before because everyone was pretty much in for the night around 10 p.m..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Are they alike or different?
The Same But Different
1. They're both athletic but Hockey Girl has balance and speed and All Other Sports Boy has great eye/hand coordination.
2. They're both pretty smart but AOSB is a great reader, speller and creative writer while HG loves math, science and art.
3. They're both popular among their peers. HG has a lot of friends, but she does not mind being alone, and she does not like to be the center of attention. On the other hand, AOSB is very social, he makes friends easily with anyone, he loves to be the center of attention.
4. They both enjoy picking on the other but HG does not seem to care if her brother is mad at her. She will stand her ground in a disagreement while AOSB likes to irritate his sister, but when push comes to shove, he is a peacekeeper and he will give in.
Exactly the Same
They have been within 1/2 lb of each other in their weights since birth. They have been and still are the same height since before age 1. They have the same eyes and the same hair color and skin tone.
Completely Different
HG was a difficult baby who needed a lot of attention. She has always been a worrier. She has a lot of anxiety and hates change. She is extremely responsible. She has long had the ability to look many steps ahead and figure out long range consequences. She doesn't like to make mistakes. She is inherently cautious, yet she is strangely adventurous when it comes to physical tasks like rock climbing. She is very sure of her physical abilities. She is less confident about her other abilities and she likes to be behind the scenes.
AOSB was a very laid back baby and young child. He seldom demanded attention, letting it go to his sister who he knew needed it more. He lives in the moment - seldom worrying about the future. He jumps into everything head first. He doesn't care if he makes a mistake. He is quick to forgive and expects to be forgiven quickly, as well. He has always had an uncanny ability to memorize facts, lyrics and dialog. He has always loved to perform.
It's fun to think about their distinct personalities. It is a great life lesson to have two children who are growing up in the same environment have very distinct strengths and weaknesses. It is fun to watch them grow, change and learn from each other. They balance each other out. I know they look out for each other too, and that makes it less scary to think about the years ahead when they may need to make tough choices.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Big Apple Day #4
The Finns wanted to do the NBC Studio Tour, and Mom thought it would be fun to join them. Kevin and I had already done the tour, so we decided that we would go shopping instead. We hadn't really gotten anything significant for the kids, so we went to the NHL store and found some cute Rangers lounge pants for Hannah and the NBA store - to try find something for Noah. No success. We did decide that we wanted to get him a duffel bag, but they didn't have anything there we liked. Afterwards we met everyone back at the Studio Store. We decided to grab lunch at the Variety Cafe, which is a great cafeteria-style restaurant we had discovered in December. They have just about any kind of food you can imagine. They have a pasta bar from which Kevin ate, and I had spicy Sweet Chili Noodles with shrimp (of course) cooked on the Hibachi - YUM!
After dinner we went back up to Times Square. We said our goodbyes to the Finns with promises to meet again soon - in Finland we all hope. We found our bus and had an uneventful trip back to New Jersey. It's always sad to leave New York. Who knows when we'll be back again.
As Smart as a Fifth Grader
It's always a little frightening when a conference starts out with, "let me start with, he has really turned it around in the past month..." Hmmmm. Turned it around from what? Apparently Mrs. L was really worried about AOS Boy at the beginning of the year. He just wasn't doing what he was supposed to. He failed to turn in homework on time 10 times in the first 3 weeks. He told Mrs. L that it was *my fault. I always took it out of his folder and forgot to put it back. Finally when she picked up the phone, asked him for my number and told him she was going to call me, he fessed up. *That is exactly what he is like at home. Lying to avoid personal responsibility until you call him to the carpet and he has no place else to go. He has reportedly come a long way in a short time. He has not had a late or missing homework assignment in two weeks. He is generally "acting like a 5th grader." He is a pretty smart kid. He has had perfect spelling tests this year. His reading tests were nearly perfect (but he only will do one book report every other week so he's just at grade level, as opposed to above grade level). He had an A in Spelling and Social Studies, and A- in Math a B in Science/Health and a B- in Language Arts. He was pretty disappointed in that B- and told us he know what he has to do to bring that up is increase his effort. He loves to write, he is very creative and comes up with great stories - but capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure are not very high on his list. Again not much of a surprise. He was a little disappointed that he did not get an E in gym (although his sister did).
Overall, we were pretty pleased. The kids aren't perfect, they're not genius', but they seem to like school, they try, they're pleasant to be around and teachers enjoy having them in class. Those things get people at least as far in life as perfect grades.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Big Apple Day #3 - Marathon Day
It was very fun! We stayed a bit to see if we could find Olli, but it turns out he had already run by. We had tickets to see Wicked at 3:00 p.m. so we left to make our way back to the theater. We had gotten the tickets the day before and we were SO lucky. We were in the 4th row in the center section. It was fantastic!! The show was wonderful - although the leads didn't seem to sing as well as the ones we remembered from Chicago. Nevertheless we enjoyed it immensely! It's definitely better when you have the soundtrack memorized. After the show we went to dinner at Pongsai - a Thai restaurant in the theater district, and I had (surprise, surprise) Shrimp Pad Thai. It was very good. We got home fairly early that night - in time for Kevin to use the nightly free drink available at Embassy Suites. We watched some TV and relaxed. It was a great day!
Big Apple Day #2
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We interrupt this NYC Trip blog
Duluth Icebreakers 10U team went to Breezy Point and rocked the house. They played the Pequot Lakes 10U team on Saturday at Noon. You may remember (or you can read below in Tis the Season) that there was some conflict regarding what level Hockey Girs team should play at - A or B. The Pequot Lakes team was a B level - and any doubts about whether we should play A were answered this weekend. The girls smoked them. They won their first game 12 - 0. Hockey Girl didn't score, but she had plenty of assists. They then went to Brainard to play their 10UB team and they beat them 19 - 1. Hockey Girl scored her 1st goal of the year. Saturday night we had much fun hanging out with the team at the pool area of the beautiful Breezy Point Resort. We had lots of snacks, pizza and a few drinks to boot. Most of the team stayed at the dorms by the hockey rink, but Hockey Girl and her BFF were having none of that (and their parents were glad to spoil them if meant we also didn't have to stay in the dorms). Our families rented a beautiful condo by the lake. It was huge and lovely and since no one wants to be in Breezy Point in mid-November quite inexpensive to boot. Sunday we woke up early because we'd been lead to believe we had a game at 9:15 a.m. We had a great breakfast at the resort - cooked to order French Toast for the kids, Eggs Benedict for Curling Man and BFF's Mom and poched eggs for me along with a lovely buffet with a lot of fresh fruit and plenty of unhealthy side-dishes. We made it to the rink about 8:30 only to discover that the game wasn't actually until 11 a.m.. The girls went back over to the dorms to do some warm-ups and chalk-talk. BFF's Mom and I went back to the condo to pack up and check out. We returned to the rink for game 2 against Pequot Lakes. They again beat them handily 12 -1 and Hockey Girl scored 2 more times. It was a fun series of games. We just hope the girls don't get too complacent because the competition in the tournament coming up in a couple of weeks in Thunder Bay will be much stiffer.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Welcome to the Big Apple
My village
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Making History