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Making History
I just can't believe it, so I have to write it down. Barack Obama is the President. I have never voted for a President that I just felt so comfortable even happy voting for. Other presidents have matched my general views, but I didn't trust them. I didn't like them. I wasn't proud of them. I didn't think they had the power to transform our image internationally. Barack Obama is different. I know a lot of people felt this way about Bill Clinton - I wasn't one of them - although I voted for him once. I also voted for Dukakis, for Perot, for Gore and for Kerry. I didn't love any of them, but they were all better in my opinion than the alternative. This year I was lucky. Instead of choosing between "not so great" and "even worse" I got to choose between "phenomenal" and "I can live with it." What a relief. If John McCain would have been the McCain of 2000 I would have even had a better choice, but alas he chose to be anything but a maverick and to cater to the Religious Right in hopes of being elected. Despite what I hear from conservative pundits - that it was all about the economy and not about the VP candidate - I firmly believe that if John McCain would have stuck to his principles and made his VP pick selecting another qualified, moderate, independent-minded person, he would have had a chance in this race. Yes, the economy was a factor, but only because people had already lost trust in John McCain. If people believed that John McCain would recognize his actual short-comings and surround himself to compensate for those, instead of making his decisions to pander to the base whose policies created this mess - on other words if he was maverick he claimed to be - the economy wouldn't necessarily have been a game changer. I'm not complaining. I'm glad he made that poor choice which opened the door for Barack Obama to step in. He may not have the experience of John mcCain, but he is smart and he can learn. His character, his manner and what he brings to the table as a leader cannot be taught to anyone. I am so excited to see our country being lauded all over the world. It's a great thing!!
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